Introducing the Foundation Revelation.
A stock designed to provide long range hunters a solid Foundation in the field. Weighing in at 62 oz. fully assembled the Revelation retains the shooting characteristics of our competition models while allowing for a 10 lb. rifle with select components. A heavier version is available upon request.
The Revelation features a near vertical grip with closer grip to trigger spacing than either of our previous models. Vertical comb adjustment is achieved by incorporating KMW Loggerhead Hardware. The Foundation 11.25” modified Anschutz rail is standard in every Revelation. Our rail allows for direct attachment of accessories anywhere along its length including the ability to mount Foundation’s short and full length 1.5” Dovetail Rail. Any accessories currently used with our competition models will work in conjunction with the Revelation.
A single flush cup mounted underneath the rear of the buttstock along with a rail mounted attachment point allows for easy sling attachment. The buttstock is designed for natural rear bag placement while shooting prone.
Full specification will be available on our new website launching soon. In the meantime, if you are interested in a Revelation give us a call/email or look for them to be arriving at our industry partners soon!
“And they conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.” – Revelation 12:11